Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Its that time of year again

As you can see its time to get ready for NaNoWriMo 2011!

This year I am doing a guide for a role playing group that I am part of instead of a traditional book though there will be nights I will want to work on my stuff for my Young Adult book, which I usually only do on the weekends cause its the best time.

The Book is called, Shadows Over New Jersey.

The new Nano site is up and its wild! I like it!

Anyway gonna close for now as I need sleep!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

NaNoWriMo 2010: Looking Back

Well NaNo is done for this year and it was fun and exhausting all in one swoop. Now to take a break and reover from it. It managed to type a grand total of 80,359 words, doing 16 hours on the last day and that was so exahusting that it was not funny. My other half is proud and it letting me buy a copy of Scrviner for Windows when it comes out as a reward.

I give it a few more days and I will do some other work on the novel.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

NaNoWriMo Day 13

I am exausted! Typed a grand total of 6,100 words in an eight hour span. We did not have the Dresden scene that we were supposed to due to real life getting in our ST's way, so, because I have a Mage game tonight I thought I would do some writing while watching Ghost Adventures and a show called Ghost Stories.

I have about 11K words left and 17 days to do them in. I think Sunday is going to be my recovery day and time for me to watch the items I am recording to the DVR today, mainly Skate America. I may also use it to do more research on the area around Half Moon Bay and catching up on the NaNo fourms.

I need to lay down so I am going to take a nap till the alarm goes off or Dad wakes me up so my other half can help move the leaves in the back yard.

Friday, November 12, 2010

NaNoWriMo Day 12

Tired today. Did not get much sleep due to my dog conatantly whining to go outside. Word count is at 36K and change.

Got an idea for the setting that the tarot cards suggested. Just got to do research so I can model Crystal Lake after it. Town is Half Moon Bay California.

I lived in Paramount/Long Beach for three years so it should be easy remembering what that was like with the wild fires, quakes, smog, and summer heat.

Going to lay down again till 1-ish or the dog wakes me up to go out, then grab a shower, do chored, check my email, then write before watching Ghost Adventures, which is my favorite show to watch on a Friday.

Happy 49th birthday to one of my favorite gymnasts of all time.... Nadia Comaneci, the first Perfect 10!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

In Memorandum: S.S. Edmund Fitzgereld

35 years ago 29 men lost thier lives in the most haunting accident on the Great Lakes. I was 7 at the time of the event and I am still haunted by it to this day. I grew up in Toledo, which had the luck of having something like 5 of the crewmen calling it home. One also called home the same block that my aunt and uncle lived on in North Olmstead. I think there were like 5 houses between them.

Now I don't remember much of the storm that day because I had spent most of the day in bed sick with something. I remember waking up about the time that the city got the news, in the form of a crawl across the tv, but at that time they could not positively identify the ship. That came around the 11pm news and I don't remember too much of the reaction save that I started screaming and fell to the floor.

I had just been placed with the family that would adopt me in 1976 so this was probably a mystrery to them. Throught the years they would cut out newspaper articles and on one trip up to the UP, they brought me back 2 postcards that were of the Vessal.

I love the Big Fitz and her crew and miss them all a lot. They are forever in my memory and heart.

I will write one I am done watching the memorial service that is being shown via web cam,

Monday, November 8, 2010

NaNoWrimo: Day Eight


Written 25,874 words! A bit over half done! Yay! My other half has promised me that I can get Scrivener if I make my word count. He writes too, but is not NaNoing this year, and he is curious about the program.

Other then that, it's in the 60's here and today was very sunny! Both of our fur-babies are sleeping in the room and that makes me happy as my little girl baby is an independent aries cat and her elder brother is more outgoing and cuddly.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

NaNoWeiMo Day Two


I wrote 2,637 words today! I got up early, like 5 am to do it while listening to the likes of Neil Diamond and Nickleback!

I was so very tired after working yesterday. I did my writing early, still exausted from running a Dresden rpg game on Halloween and the key player did not appear and I felt like the game seriously dragged, but then again many of us were tired. I got some sleep, gou up did my word count and then had to take my mom to the grocey store and do my own running,

Today, I got my writing done and I will probably lay back down at some point for a nap as I am tired now,

I may write more later and hopefully tonight I will get some rp done and there is something on the History Channel that I want to watch.